I have composed many blog posts in my head since my first one. I'm sure any number of them would have been better than this one will turn out. However, I am practicing a skill of DOING IT ANYWAY. Potential is abundant; when I fail to act because reality doesn't match the potential I imagine, I am not coming from a place of abundance. Even though my dreams and hopes and plans are exciting, inspiring, and even POSSIBLE, my "scarcity mentality" keeps me from getting much closer, holds me back from Abundance. Hold me back from my own power and the richness of life.
A few years ago, after coloring Easter eggs with my kids at my mother's house, I got all worked up when it was time to throw out the pretty water. This happens every year; I don't want the fun to stop, I feel like I want to go on coloring forever. That year the water was in clear glass tumblers, and I stacked them up in a rainbow and looked at the light streaming through them from an outside window, and I took some photographs. I whined a little about having to stop (remember, I'm the adult here-- my kids were off doing something else by now) and was agitated, and my mom, an artist, said, "Emily! You need a creative outlet!" I laughed and said, I do, I really do.
Every year I get kind of the same way about Easter eggs. One year, I splashed the color into the snow. Another year, I dyed the sidewalk. This year, I rinsed my hair with the egg dye. No one remarked that the color was different (I couldn't tell) or that I smelled like vinegar, but my hair rinsed magenta for the next three days. So, it's a little quirky.
I keep stopping and starting. I have hundreds of ideas of "outlets" and I keep telling myself no. I have ideas for going into business, by myself, or with my mother or a friend, and I keep dragging my feet when others do not embrace my crazy ideas. This blog is my new outlet. It is the beginning of a network of outlets. I have spend years reading, absorbing, processing in therapy, twiddling my thumbs, and now I need to let it out! Express myself! I have many ways of expressing myself, but this is one that I need now. Even if I go weeks between posts, even if I ramble, even if I write masterful prose that never moves from the space between my ears to cyberspace, I am letting it out. I'll call it starting and starting.
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